C/ Baza 8

Albolote, 18220 Granada, Spain


Lunes-Viernes 7:00 horas - 15:00 horas

Sab-Dom -Guardia-





1. Identification and contact information of the Data Controller.

GENIUSPUMPS is a registered trademark of MILLER MAIMANN S.L., a company domiciled at C/ Baza Parcela 8, local 27, Polígono Industrial Juncaril, Albolote 18220 (Granada), with CIF B18682989, and telephone number (from now on, “MILLER MAIMANN” or the “Society“) is responsible for the processing of personal data processed through the website http://genius-pumps.com. This clause provides information on the use that the Company will make of your personal data.

Likewise, this Privacy Policy is intended to provide information on the rights of both clients and potential clients under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact the Company at the following address: info@millermaimann.es.

Likewise, we inform you that MILLER MAIMANN has a Data Protection Officer, who you can contact through the following address: info@millermaimann.es


2. General information: description of the information contained in the privacy policy.

In this privacy policy you will find a table identifying each of the different services offered by.

In these informative tables you will be informed about:

  • The purposes of the processing of your personal data, that is, the reason why MILLER MAIMANN Único processes your personal data.
  • The legal bases that allow the processing of data by the Company for each of the indicated purposes.
  • The possible communication of your data to third parties, as well as the cause of said communication. For these purposes, we inform you that we do not transfer your personal data to third parties unless there is a legal obligation (Public Treasury, Judges and Courts, Security Forces and Corps, OCU…) or we expressly indicate it in the table below. On the other hand, MILLER MAIMANN’s processors may have access to your personal data, that is, the service providers who have to access your personal data to carry out their functions. The service providers that access your personal data, in general, are dedicated to the information systems and technology sectors. The table below will indicate those other sectors under which MILLER MAIMANN service providers have access to your personal data.

We inform you that you can request more detailed information regarding the recipients of your data, as well as the guarantees applied to international data transfers that we carry out, by sending an email to info@millermaimann.es, indicating the specific treatment about whose recipients or guarantees you would like information.

  • The retention period of the data you provide us. For these purposes, we inform you that we keep your personal data for the entire term of the contractual relationship or for a longer period if you have authorized us to do so. Likewise, we inform you that later your data will remain blocked for the attention of judicial, administrative or fiscal claims, due to the limitation periods of legal actions determined by each applicable regulation.


3. Necessary and updated information

All the fields that appear marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms that are provided to you will be mandatory, in such a way that the omission of any of them could lead to the impossibility of sending the communication or processing the purchase so that it is can provide the requested services.

So that the information provided is always updated and does not contain errors, you must notify MILLER MAIMANN, as soon as possible, of the modifications and rectifications of your personal data that occur through the following email info@millermaimann.es.

Likewise, by clicking on the “Send/Continue” button incorporated in the aforementioned forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided in them are accurate and truthful.


4. Exercise of your rights

We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access to your personal data to know which are being processed and the processing operations carried out with them;
  • Right to rectify any inaccurate personal data;
  • Right to delete your personal data, when this is possible;
  • Right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality or necessity of the processing of the data is doubtful, in which case, we may keep the data blocked for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to oppose the processing of your personal data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it, among those indicated in the table included in section 5, is legitimate interest. The Company will stop processing your data unless it has an overriding legitimate interest or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to the portability of your data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it, among those indicated in the table included in section 5, is the existence of a contractual relationship or your consent.
  • Right to revoke the consent granted to the Company for the processing of your data.
  • Right to file a claim with the Company regarding data protection.

You can exercise your rights at any time and free of charge in the following ways:

  • By sending an email to info@millermaimann.es indicating the right you wish to exercise and your identifying data.
  • In addition, we will include a link to unsubscribe from commercial communications at the bottom of all communications that we send you so that, by accessing it, you can unsubscribe from all previously accepted commercial communications shipments.

On the other hand, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection if you consider that a breach of data protection legislation has been committed regarding the processing of your personal data.


5. Detailed information on the treatments carried out by service

  1. Resolve queries, requests or process any type of request made by the user through any of the contact forms made available to the user on the company’s website. For this purpose, your data will be kept until the query, request or request is resolved and, even after, until any responsibilities that may arise from them expire.
  2. Remission of commercial advertising communications, even through electronic means. Through these communications, users will be informed about the different events, promotions, products or services offered by the company. If the user wishes to be the recipient of these communications, they must indicate this by checking the corresponding box found at the bottom of the data collection forms on the Website. For this purpose, the data will be kept indefinitely, unless the user objects to its processing or requests its deletion to any of the contact addresses (postal or electronic) indicated above.

For the purposes indicated above, the data will be processed on the basis of the users’ consent, which may be revoked at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the data processed prior to the withdrawal of consent. The provision of the data is voluntary, although if it is not provided, it cannot be processed for the indicated purposes.


6. Security

MILLER MAIMANN has implemented and maintains the security levels required by the RGPD to protect the personal data of potential clients against accidental losses and unauthorized access, processing or disclosure, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure; For this reason, and although MILLER MAIMANN makes its best efforts to protect the data of potential clients, it cannot guarantee its security during transit to the Website. Therefore, all the information you provide will be sent at your own risk. Once your data is received, MILLER MAIMANN will use rigorous procedures and security features to prevent any unauthorized access.


7. Confidentiality

The personal data that we may collect through the Website or through the different telephone communications that we maintain with you will be treated with confidentiality, committing us to keep them secret in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


8. Minors

Minors under 18 years of age may not use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out through the Website by minors under their care. , including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that MILLER MAIMANN does not have the capacity to control whether or not potential clients are minors, it is warned that it must be the parents and guardians who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from providing data. of a personal nature through the Inquiry Mailbox without your supervision, and MILLER MAIMANN does not accept any responsibility in this regard.


9. Privacy policy update

This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; For this reason, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible each time you access the Website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will notify you of any modification to this privacy policy that affects the processing of your personal data.